Terms and Conditions
MECHANICS LIEN WARNING. Anyone who helps improve your property, but it was not paid, may record what is called a mechanics lien on your property. A mechanics lien is a claim, like a mortgage or a home equity loan,
made against your property and record with county record. Even if you pay your contractor, subcontractors, suppliers, and laborers
who helped improve the property records mechanics lien and sue you in court to foreclose on the lien. if the court finds the lien valid, you could be forced
to pay twice or have a court officer sell your property pay the lien. Liens can also affect your credit.

TO PRESERVE THE RIGHT TO RECORD LIEN, Each subcontractor and material supplier must provide you with a document called a 20 day preliminary notice. The notice G not a lien. The purpose of the notice is to let you
know that the person who sent you the notice has a right to record lien on your property if he or she is not paid.

BE CAREFUL. The preliminary notice can be sent up to 20 days after the subcontractor start to work with supplies provided material. This can be a big problem if you pay the contractor before you have received the preliminary notices. You will not get a preliminary notice from your primary contact or from the labors who will work on your project. The labor assumes that you already know they are improving your property.

PROTECT YOURSELF FROM LIENS. You can protect yourself from the liens by getting list from a contractor of all the subcontractors and material suppliers that work on your project. Find out from the contractor when the subcontractors start work and when the suppliers deliver goods or materials. Then wait 20 days, to get the preliminary notices you will receive. Pay with joint checks. One way to protect yourself is to pay with a joint check. When your contractor tells you it is time to pay for the work release a contractor or supplier was provided you with a Preliminary Notice, write a joint check payable to both the contractor and the subcontractor or material supplier.
For other ways to prevent liens visit CSLB's website at W.CSLB.CA.GOV or call CSLB at 1- 800 321-CSLB (2752)]
Remember, if you do nothing, you risk having a lien placed on your home. This can mean that you may have to pay twice or face the force the sale of your home to pay what you owe.

THREE DAY RIGHT TO CANCEL. You the buyer have the right to cancel this contract within three business days. You may cancel by emailing, mailing, faxing or delivering a written notice to the contractor at the contractors place of business by midnight of the business day after you receive signed, and dated copy of the contract that includes this notice. Include your name, your address, and the date you received the signed copy of the contract in this notice. If you cancel, the contractor must return to you anything you pay within 10 days of receiving the notice of the cancellation for your part, you must be available for the contractor at your residence and material in substantially good condition as you received it, any goods delivered to you under this contract or sale. Or, you may, if you wish. comply with the contractors instructions. on how to return all good and materials. If you do not make the goods available to the contractor and the contractor does not pick them up within 20 days of the date the notice of cancellation, you may keep them without any for the obligation. If you fail to make the good available to the contractor, or if you agreed to try to go to the contractor and fail to do so, then you remain liable for the performance of obligation under the contract. Law requires that the contractor, give you a note explaining your right to counsel. And there's al box of the contractor has giving you a notice of the three day right to cancel.

CONTRACTORS BOARD NOTICE, CSLB in the state consumer protection agency licenses and regulates construction contractors. Contact CSLB for information about licensed contractor you are considering, including information about disclosable complaints. disciplinary action and syllogisms that I reported to the CSLB. Use only license contractors. If you file a complaint against a licensed contractor with the legal deadline (usually four years), CSLB has authority to investigate the complaint. If you use an unlicensed contractor CSLB may not be able to help you resolve your complaint. You're only remedy may be in civil court, and you may be liable for the damages arising out of any injuries to the unlicensed contractor
or the unlicensed contractors employees.
For more information: Visit CSLB's website at www.cslb.ca gov Call CSLB at 1-800-321-CSLB (2752) Write CSLB at P .O. Box 6000, Sacramento, CA 958261 SERVICE CALL CHARGE, Service call service charge will be applied towards repair estimates up to 30 days of estimate

CANCELLATIONS, Upon acceptance of an estimate for service, ordering and shipping procedures are set in motion which cannot be reversed. and upon cancellation, incur costs for shipping, handling and restocking fees. Therefore, a deposit is required prior to ordering special order parts. An estimate as requires (section 9844 of California Business and Professional Code) for repairs shall be given to customer by the service dealer in writing, and the service dealer may not charge for work done and parts supplied in excess of the estimate without prior consent of the customer. Where provided the service dealer may charge a reasonable fee
for services provided determining the nature of the malfunction is preparation of a written estimate of repair.
For information, contact the Bureau of Electronic Appliance Repair, Dept. of Consumer affairs. Sacramento, CA 95814.

WARRANTY, Unless otherwise noted, parts are warranted for 90 days and labor related to this repair warranted for 90 days under conditions of normal household usage. Refrigerant charges are excluded from warranty. Expect as provided for above. there is not warranty or guarantee of merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose or of any other kind, expressed or implied. We do not, of course, make any guarantee with respect to parts not supplied or replace by us. If repairs become necessary due to others defective parts. they will be charged separately. Warranty applies to normal business hours and service area. Recall appointments are scheduled according to availability, excluding Sundays. We do not guarantee against loss or damage to food or clothing.

DAMAGE WAVIER, In spite of care taken by technician, damage to floors, walls, cabinets as well as the appliance it self can occur while moving equipment for service. Damage can also occur due to faulty, cracked, or disconnected supply lines, connections and hoses. In order to secure service, customers herby release this company, and the technician, from liability for such damage.

DISPUTES. We want you satisfied! If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the service
provided, and cannot resolve the dispute through your local dispatch office, please describe the problem, and what can b done to satisfy dispute.
Mail to: 409 N Langstaff St, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530